LendAPI and Prove launches 3-click digital onboarding process

LendAPI and Prove launches 3-click digital onboarding process

Apr 18, 2024

Apr 18, 2024

Press Release

Press Release

Apr 18, 2024

Yes, we can't believe it either until it is done! Check out this mobile first, 3 click process that makes digital onboarding experience a dream!

LendAPI and Proce launches 3 click digiral onboarding process
LendAPI and Proce launches 3 click digiral onboarding process
LendAPI and Proce launches 3 click digiral onboarding process

3 click digital onboarding process

LendAPI, the leading digital onboarding platform and Prove, the advanced identity verification and authentication company have launched the latest 3-click digital onboarding process.

LendAPI and Prove 3 Click Onboarding Process

We’ve finally achieved what’s been long promised to the banking space, an mobile friendly, frictionless and accurate onboarding process.

Consumers are able to enter the last four digits of their social security number and their mobile number. 14 numbers all together to get full banking and credit approval.

LendAPI’s latest integration with Prove is now live for all banking partners to use in LendAPI’s latest 2.0 release.

How it works

After the consumer enters the last four digits of SSN and their mobile number, Prove is able to use that information to append other critical parts of the consumer's PII from all major US mobile carriers through a mobile SMS authentication process.

LendAPI then takes the perfected consumer information and displays the information for consumers to verify and edit.

Once confirmed, LendAPI will use this information to retrieve credit score and attributes and execute any number of underwriting decisions on behalf of banks for credit underwriting.

It is that simple.


Banks and other financial institutions can now enjoy this new way of onboarding clients which have never been possible before through the LendAPI platform. We can’t wait for you to try this out.

Make sure you sign up with Prove and contact Prove’s sales representative here.


Step 1: Enter your last four digit of SSN, and your mobile number

LendAPI and Prove 3 Click Onboarding Process

Step 2 - Check your phone and confirm

LendAPI and Prove 3 Click Onboarding Process

Step 3 - Verify, edit and confirm!

LendAPI and Prove 3 Click Onboarding Process

About LendAPI

LendAPI is a DIY digital onboarding platform with a fully customizable product builder and an integrated graphical Decision Engine. LendAPI’s application workflow, sub-tenant management, third party integrations plus customer portal and communication methods is a complete end to end solution. It’s free to sign up at app.lendapi.com/signup