
LendAPI Marketplace - Identity Verifcation - Signzy
LendAPI Marketplace - Identity Verifcation - Signzy

Identity Verification



Signzy's AI-powered one-touch KYC solution enables seamless global user onboarding in seconds, streamlining the entire process from configuration to verification. Leveraging database integration across 200+ countries, we power identity and business verification, AML, and fraud checks for over 800 enterprises.

Signzy's AI-powered one-touch KYC solution enables seamless global user onboarding in seconds, streamlining the entire process from configuration to verification. Leveraging database integration across 200+ countries, we power identity and business verification, AML, and fraud checks for over 800 enterprises.

About Signzy

Signzy is a market leader in digital onboarding and identity verification solutions. Our verification solutions and integrations to global databases and sanctions lists aim to make user onboarding (whether individual or entity) frictionless. Signzy also has advanced forgery and fraud detection solutions to fight deep fake frauds. Major banks and financial institutions globally, including many Fortune 30 companies trust Signzy to ensure robust fraud prevention and regulatory adherence.

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Contact @ Signzy

Shivam Agarwal, Head of Partnerships | Email:



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