
LendAPI Marketplace - Legal and Compliance - Sei AI
LendAPI Marketplace - Legal and Compliance - Sei AI

Legal & Compliance

Sei AI

Sei AI

Sei's AI agents sit alongside your risk and compliance teams, amplifying impact and scale

Sei's AI agents sit alongside your risk and compliance teams, amplifying impact and scale

About Sei AI

Sei builds AI agents for regulatory compliance. Today, compliance and legal teams in regulated industries spend hundreds of hours and hundreds of thousands of dollars ensuring adherence to regulation.

Sei's AI agents distill long regulations to determine if something is compliant. This effort is vital given increasing consumer protection regulations and minute regulatory scrutiny and fines for non-compliance.

Sei is already working with customers across three continents, including banks & large enterprises. Founders Pranay and Ram saw these challenges firsthand in previous roles at banks, funds, and fintechs.

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Contact @ Sei AI

LendAPI Marketplace - Legal and Complaince - Sei AI - Ram Venkataraman

Ramkumar (Ram) Venkataraman, Founder | Email:



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