
LendAPI Marketplace - A.I. Services - Prometheus Data
LendAPI Marketplace - A.I. Services - Prometheus Data

A.I. Services

Prometheus Data

Prometheus Data

Prometheus Data is a fintech startup from USC Incubator and TroyLabs. Our mission is to enable global mobility for everyone. At Prometheus Data, we're dedicated to solving the challenges faced by newcomers, international students, and global professionals who become invisible to the financial systems when they move countries. Our AI-powered solution is designed to address the needs of the credit invisible and unbanked populations, helping them start anew without starting from scratch.

Prometheus Data is a fintech startup from USC Incubator and TroyLabs. Our mission is to enable global mobility for everyone. At Prometheus Data, we're dedicated to solving the challenges faced by newcomers, international students, and global professionals who become invisible to the financial systems when they move countries. Our AI-powered solution is designed to address the needs of the credit invisible and unbanked populations, helping them start anew without starting from scratch.

About Prometheus Data's LendReg Pro:

As AI and Large Language Models become integral to enterprise operations, confidentiality remains a paramount concern. Prometheus Data innovated “LendReg Pro” to address this by bringing the power of AI directly into the lending and risk assessment sector.

Key Features of LendReg Pro:

  • Localized Deployment: Utilizes leading LLMs, Llama, Vicuna, and OpenChat 3.5, deployed locally to ensure your data never leaves your premises.

  • Custom Knowledge Bases: Enables institutions to upload internal documents and create private knowledge bases, maintaining the integrity and confidentiality of sensitive information.

  • Specialized in Finance: Fine-tuned specifically for financial sectors, enhancing the accuracy and relevancy of responses in lending regulations and policy areas.

  • Comparative Insights: Offers the ability to assess and choose the best answers from multiple leading LLMs.

  • Extensive Regulatory Library: Includes a comprehensive database of lending-related regulatory and policy documents from across the Asia-Pacific region.

Prometheus Data - LendReg Pro

Designed for underwriting officers, compliance officers, and new staff in financial institutions, LendReg Pro simplifies navigating complex policy landscapes, allowing more focus on core activities and customer service.

For more information please visit:

Contact @ Prometheus Data:

Prometheus Data Yu Zhang

Yu Zhang | Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer | Phone: 909.449.3840 | Email:



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