
LendAPI Marketplace - Risk Moldeing - Phenx
LendAPI Marketplace - Risk Moldeing - Phenx

Risk & Modelling

Phenx Machine Learning Technologies

Phenx Machine Learning Technologies

Empower Your Decisions with Explainable AI Welcome to the forefront of financial innovation. Our custom AI and ML solutions are crafted to meet the unique demands of the finance industry. We specialize in deploying Explainable AI-powered tools that not only provide advanced risk scoring capabilities but also offer clarity and transparency in every decision.

Empower Your Decisions with Explainable AI Welcome to the forefront of financial innovation. Our custom AI and ML solutions are crafted to meet the unique demands of the finance industry. We specialize in deploying Explainable AI-powered tools that not only provide advanced risk scoring capabilities but also offer clarity and transparency in every decision.

About Phenx Machine Learning Technologies

  • Custom Risk Models

Transform your creditworthiness evaluation methods. We specialize in creating bespoke models for each company, utilizing their unique data sets. Our approach extends past the standard credit bureau metrics by incorporating application specifics and a diverse range of non-traditional data. This allows for a more detailed and precise credit scoring system tailored specifically to your needs.Deal Optimization Models
Unlock the full potential of your offerings with our Deal Optimization Models. These advanced AI solutions are engineered to not only minimize risk but also maximize the likelihood of conversion.

  • Loss Forecasting

Enhance your financial risk management with our advanced AI solutions. Our system is expertly designed to accurately forecast potential losses, enabling a more efficient allocation of resources and significantly reducing operational delays, thereby enhancing overall performance and customer satisfaction.

  • Fraud Detection

Stay ahead of fraudulent activities with our dynamic fraud detection systems. By analyzing patterns and anomalies in large datasets, our solutions can proactively identify and alert you to potential frauds.

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Contact @ Phenx Machine Learning Technologies

Saurabh Sarkar, CEO |



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