
LendAPI Marketplace - Identity Verification - MaxMind
LendAPI Marketplace - Identity Verification - MaxMind

Identity Verification

MaxMind minFraud®

MaxMind minFraud®

Enrich your data and augment your risk models with risk scoring and foundational intelligence on digital identifiers, powered by an extensive data network and evolving machine learning models.

Enrich your data and augment your risk models with risk scoring and foundational intelligence on digital identifiers, powered by an extensive data network and evolving machine learning models.

About MaxMind minFraud®

minFraud is a data return service that detects identity fraud and risky transactions in real-time by providing you with high-signal fraud and risk data. MaxMind’s minFraud service protects billions of transactions annually and is built with privacy-by-design principles.

With minFraud, you can:

  • Assess the risk and reputation of IP addresses, emails, addresses, phone numbers, devices, and combinations of these identifiers

  • Key-in to patterns and trends that happen on a scale beyond your network

  • Get insight into the reasons behind a transaction's risk score for faster, more actionable decisioning

For more information, please visit:

Contact @ MaxMind minFraud®

Miguel Atienza, MBA, Director of Product | Email:



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