
LendAPI Marketplace - Identity Verification - Ekata
LendAPI Marketplace - Identity Verification - Ekata

Identity Verification

Ekata by Mastercard

Ekata by Mastercard

Ekata by Mastercard empowers businesses with global identity verification solutions to ensure secure, frictionless customer experiences while combating fraud.

Ekata by Mastercard empowers businesses with global identity verification solutions to ensure secure, frictionless customer experiences while combating fraud.

About Ekata by Mastercard

Ekata by Mastercard provides cutting-edge identity verification solutions that help businesses navigate the complexities of the digital economy. Key features include:

  • Global Reach: Supports over 2,000 businesses in more than 230 countries and territories.

  • Advanced Technology: Utilizes machine learning and data science to deliver quick, accurate identity risk assessments.

  • Frictionless Customer Experience: Enhances onboarding and transaction processes by reducing fraud while maintaining privacy.

  • Comprehensive Solutions: Offers APIs and SaaS tools for fraud prevention, customer onboarding, and transaction risk analysis.

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