

FinTech & Bank Partnerships Advisory and Consulting. Embedded Finance, BaaS, Compliance, KYC/BSA.

LendAPI Marketplace - FinTech Advisory - FinTech2Bank
LendAPI Marketplace - FinTech Advisory - FinTech2Bank

About Fintech2Bank

Fintech2Bank independently introduce, create and manage FinTech & Bank partnership projects for lending, cards, deposits and payments programs.

Prepare and guide FinTech, Banks, Marketplace and Alternative Lenders with the regulatory compliance, KYC/BSA, information security, contract negotiation and operational aspects of a strategic partnership under a bank charter.

Helping you navigate the increasingly competitive landscape and finding the best partnership options for you. Saving FinTech and Banks time and money.

Previous clients include: Wisetack, Pesto, Edly, KiFi, Imprint, ViaBill, Elevate and many more. Call 760-452-8377 for more information.

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Contact @ Fintech2Bank

Adriaan van Zyl, CEO & Founder | Email: