LendAPI Product Update v2.0.1 - v2.0.3

LendAPI Product Update v2.0.1 - v2.0.3

Apr 18, 2024

Apr 18, 2024

Platform Update

Platform Update

Apr 18, 2024

While our competitors are sleeping, we are coding. While our competitors are thinking up excuses to delay and rack up their hourly rates, we are releasing features and adding more data providers. These series of releases are no different. We added a bunch of robust features to our decision engine as well as integrated with some of the hottest third party data providers.

LendAPI Product Update - v2.0.1 to v2.0.3
LendAPI Product Update - v2.0.1 to v2.0.3
LendAPI Product Update - v2.0.1 to v2.0.3

Dear LendAPI friends and family:

We are well underway with our 2.x releases. The first three rapid releases are packed with features and integration partners that we can’t wait to tell you.

Our 2.x journey will be about UI/UX/CX. We will start redesigning the look and feel of our platform inside out. From onboarding flow all the way to post sign up guides. We have a long list of requirements written and designs are on their way. 

We will publish some of the new design concepts as they mature and we can’t wait to show you how we intend to make our Do-It-Yourself platform even better.

In v2.0.1 to v2.0.3, we have significantly improved how our decision engine’s API works. We expanded and made our APIs more flexible to interface with any lead generators and lenders. 

We’ve also completed our Equifax integration. We are able to retrieve scores and attributes that our clients can enjoy immediately. 

Lastly, we want to thank FinTech Brainfood for featuring us in their latest write up. We’ve gotten a tremendous amount of attention from that write up. VCs, clients, banks etc have all been reaching out. We’ve been demonstrating our platform non-stop. Thank you!

Here we go with our detailed write up on all the new functionalities in v2.0.1 to v2.0.3

LendAPI Platform

  • We now allow Mailgun to be completely private label-able. Emails, SMS will be completely white-labeled to our clients nomenclature and branding. v2.0.1

  • We improved the “Add User” experience to give definitive feedback after a new user is added. v2.0.2

LendAPI Merchant Onboarding and Management

  • No Updates

LendAPI Product Builder Update

  • No Updates

LendAPI Credit Decision Engine Update

  • We have added a button to assign unique decision trees to each sub-tenant. You can now assign individual underwriting strategies and product strategies to each tenant. This greatly enhances our client to manage multiple merchants, branches, locations, brokers and assign unique underwriting rules to each of them v2.0.1 and v2.0.2

  • Decision Engine’s tester module now displays the specific variable code to make testing results easier to understand v2.0.2 

  • We added a command to load systemic variables to speed up the onboarding process v2.0.3

  • We added a command to load variables for specific tenants v2.0.3

  • We fixed white space issues in decision tree list view v2.0.3

  • We added a Sub-tenant drop down in the Offer Engine settings v2.0.3

LendAPI Workflow Orchestration Platform

  • We fixed white space issue in application list view v2.0.3

LendAPI Third Party Integration

  • We added a Term and Condition link configuration specifically for Prove v.2.0.2 

  • We added over 700+ variables under TransUnion integration v.2.0.3

LendAPI Bug Squad

  • We introduced a bug in Product Builder preview mode, but we fixed it v.2.0.3

LendAPI Client Support Notes

  • We have built an custom API for a specific client to take-in and echo additional data before and after decision trees are executed v2.0.1

  • We created a specific and custom product type for a new client to return offer file structure that’s unique to their business v2.0.2

  • We are able to generate unique combination of Tenant and Product level offers for a specific client v2.0.3

About LendAPI

LendAPI is a DIY digital onboarding platform with a fully customizable product builder and an integrated graphical Decision Engine. LendAPI’s application workflow, sub-tenant management, third party integrations plus customer portal and communication methods is a complete end to end solution. It’s free to sign up at app.lendapi.com/signup