LendAPI Product Update v1.9.3 - v1.9.7

LendAPI Product Update v1.9.3 - v1.9.7

Apr 14, 2024

Apr 14, 2024

Platform Update

Platform Update

Apr 14, 2024

We bring another exciting release(s) to further improve our platform. This time, we've completed our Prove integration and created a LendAPI Prove Widget that our clients can easily use to build their short onboarding application. More to come with our Prove demo. But first, we want to show you what we've been building.

LendAPI Product Update v1.9.3 - v1.9.7 - Prove Integration
LendAPI Product Update v1.9.3 - v1.9.7 - Prove Integration
LendAPI Product Update v1.9.3 - v1.9.7 - Prove Integration

Dear LendAPI partners and clients:

We have another exciting update for you guys. But first, we would like to welcome a new client in the point of sale financing space. They’ve built their rules within our system and now they are using our API and decision engine to make decisions for their merchant and their merchant’s end clients. 

We are excited to work with them and get them up and running right away. They have been using the 30 day trial period to kick the tires and we encourage everyone to take advantage of our no obligation 30 day trial to play around with the system. We are always happy to train your team.

This update will conclude our v1.x build. We will quickly follow up with our v2.x announcement with some incredible partners fully integrated within our LendAPI platform for our clients to get onboarded even faster. We can’t wait to tell you more about it in the coming weeks. 

As always, LendAPI has a free, no hassle, no credit card needed, no obligation full featured trial at app.lendapi.com/signup. All of our competitors have signed up, why don’t you give it a run at it too. We appreciate all feedback as always and we do these releases because of you. Here are all of the major updates in each section of our platform.

LendAPI Platform

  • Platinum Edition clients have the ability to remove “Powered by LendAPI” from their setup to be completely on brand with their own branding. - v1.9.3

  • Key field encryption. We further encrypted key fields at rest. v1.9.5

  • We added a new Email Type in Email Templates - Verification Email Template is added v1.9.7

  • We added an “Auditor Role” in permissions v1.9.7

LendAPI Merchant Onboarding and Management

  • We improved how clients can add sub-tenants for Platinum Edition clients. v1.9.6

LendAPI Product Builder Update

  • We are now displaying the latest Product Builder’s product version on the top of the editor mode screen. This will help our clients to understand which version of the product they are editing. v1.9.3

  • Page/Tab headers can now display long names and with spaces in between words. v1.9.6

  • Fixed a date picker issue. v1.9.6

  • Fixed a Boolean field issue when there is a binary Yes/No definition. v1.9.6

  • It is now possible to now have Email and Password as the first page of the product builder. v1.9.7

LendAPI Credit Decision Engine Update

  • We fixed a white space issue when editing certain rule sets. v1.9.3

LendAPI Workflow Orchestration Platform

  • We improved the application history section of the Application Detail page. Welcome emails and Offer Emails are now part of this history listing - v1.9.3

  • All emails are logged and displayed in the Email tab. v.1.9.6

LendAPI Third Party Integration

  • We fixed a bug in the Data Provider Section relating to the sidebar while editing a specific Data Provider - v1.9.3

  • We have completed our integration with Prove. Clients can enjoy full integration Prove widget right into LendAPI’s product builder. Enabling a two page onboarding process with Prove’s SMS verification Link. v1.9.4 & v1.9.5

  • We have completed a display feature of all clients that send us a JSON formatted response into our platform. v1.9.6

LendAPI Bug Squad

  • We further enhanced our sign up process with our SMS verification step. v1.9.6

  • We fixed a bug where the Application Detail View is missing attachments. v1.9.7

About LendAPI

LendAPI is a DIY digital onboarding platform with a fully customizable product builder and an integrated graphical Decision Engine. LendAPI’s application workflow, sub-tenant management, third party integrations plus customer portal and communication methods is a complete end to end solution. It’s free to sign up at app.lendapi.com/signup.