LendAPI Processes over 3mm Transactions - A New Milestone

LendAPI Processes over 3mm Transactions - A New Milestone

Sep 17, 2024

Sep 17, 2024

Press Release

Press Release

LendAPI is VC-backed industry first 1 click fintech product builder that helps banks, fintechs, retailers to launch their financing products in minutes. Our Product Studio, Rules Studio and our Pricing Engine work seamlessly together with all the popular third party integration partners of your choice.

LendAPI Processes 3 Million+ Transactions - A New Milestone
LendAPI Processes 3 Million+ Transactions - A New Milestone
LendAPI Processes 3 Million+ Transactions - A New Milestone

LendAPI’s state of the art Rules Studio allows you to build complex decision trees that drive your user experience forward. Users can implement compiled machine learning models such as from Amazon’s Machine Learning Services, Amazon Sagemaker. 

LendAPI’s underlying decision engine is plugged into 40+ integration partners that can choose from. We have all of the KYC/KYB third party integrations, all of the most popular credit bureaus and tri-bureau third party integrations. Users only need to enter their credentials to light up all the variables, scores and attributes for you to write complex identity verification or credit underwriting rules.

Here are a few more things that makes us stand out from the rest:

  • Product Builder lets you build any user experience. Whether it’s a checking account, loan or credit card application. Form fields, consents, promissory notes are all configurable. You no longer need to have an engineering team to write code. 

  • Widgetization of everything. All of the popular permission based apps such as Plaid, Truv, Decision Logic, Prove or even Mobile OTP functionalities are all widgetized in our Product Builder. If you want to launch Plaid, just drag the Plaid widget into the canvas and on that particular page, the Plaid login will popup. No more writing code.

  • Tying user experience to decision making. Each page of user flow can be linked to a decision tree. As soon as you feel like there’s enough information collected to instantiate a third party data provider such as TransUnion, you can select that integration partner from a drop down as well as selecting the rules designed inside of the Rules Studio to work alongside TransUnion’s credit scores and attributes.

  • We recently released a new set of APIs for any users to interact with the pricing engine directly. Our pricing engine also has the ability to have you write rules to augment pricing using available third party scores and variables as well as first party data collected during the customer journey.

  • Variable Builder. One of the most used features is our variable builder. We provide you with full mathematical expression to build any type of variables you desire from any other system or third party provided variables. From building a variable that calculated debt to income ratio to full on logistic regression models. You can implement all of these variables without ever having to write another line of code or haggle your engineering team to hope that these derived variables will make it into the next engineering release. You won’t ever have to miss a market opportunity or correct underwriting mistakes in real time. 

  • Caching is everything. If a customer strolls into your store or website multiple times in a short period of time, you want to cache your previous decision or previous credit reports and attribute and potentially re-underwriting them without pulling expensive third party data again. Our system will look back in time and make a million second decision to help your returning applicants to render the same or different decision if you’ve implemented a new underwriting criteria between multiple visits from the same customer.  

If you are interested in using our decision engine to process millions of applications daily, please email us at info@lendapi.com.

About LendAPI

LendAPI is the only digital onboarding platform for banks with a suite of Product Studio, Rules Studio, Pricing Engine, Integration Marketplace and Variable Library all working in concert on one platform. Follow us on Linkedin, X, YouTube and our “Two Minute Demo Video!