In the past two weeks, we’ve been focusing on more enhancements and getting ready to deploy some cool new features to our platform. There will be additional integration partners coming online as well.
We dedicate these two releases to all of our customers that are constantly giving us ideas and feedback to make our platform stronger and resilient. Thank you.
Overall Platform Updates
We made enhancements and beautifications to the Application List view. This is now available in v2.2.4.
For those that signed up for the first time, we have loaded some sample products for you to play with. This is now available in v2.2.4.
We made further enhancements to speed up the Application List view. This is now available in v2.2.4.
For those that signed up for the first time, we are loading more test cases for you to work with. This is available in v2.2.5.
We deployed a fix to sync up test mode and production mode. Deployed in v2.2.5.
We deployed a fix to sync up the new pricing engine 2.0 from test to production mode. This is deployed in v2.2.5.
Product Studio
We optimized our Product Studio code and made it faster. These optimized code are now available in v2.2.3.
We made some enhancements in the Pre-Qual widget. This fix is now available in v2.2.3.
Pre-approval widgets now send out welcome emails. This is available in v2.2.4.
We fixed an issue where one of the checkboxes is disabling the continue button. This is fixed in v2.2.4.
We made some further enhancements to round out mathematical expressions and other small display items. This is deployed in v2.2.5.
We fixed a small issue with special characters in the consent module. This is fixed in v2.2.6
We fixed an issue to allow multiple lines in the Global Decline/Approve/Review web messaging that could break products built in Product Studio. This is deployed in v2.2.6
Decision Studio
We made further enhancements to our caching algorithm to make it even faster. We deployed these enhancements in v2.2.3.
We can now host and deploy Amazon Sagemaker models. This is now available in v2.2.5.
We generated a special test script for clients to run against their complex underwriting scores and models to make sure the score is calculated correctly. This is used in v2.2.6
Pricing Studio
Reports Studio
Sub-Tenant Admin Features
We made some enhancements to be backward compatible with older merchant management features with newly deployed features. These enhancements are available in v2.2.3.
Integration Partners
About LendAPI
LendAPI is the only digital onboarding platform for banks with a suite of Product, Pricing and Rules Studio working in concert all in one platform. Follow us on Linkedin, YouTube Channel