We have so much to catch up on since late May. We’ve done multiple releases and I want to make sure you guys get the latest platform updates, slowly but surely.
We can’t thank you enough for the constant feedback. Our most demanding customers are the ones that will make us better so I thank you.
With that feedback, we are spending more time hardening the system as well as bringing out more features and integration partners constantly and here are updates on LendAPI platform releases already in production.
LendAPI Product Update v2.1.7 - v2.1.8
Please check out our new Loom Channel, from time to time we will bring you a personal video to walk you through new integration partners and new functionality. Videos are worth a million words.
Here are our updates:
Platform Admin Portal & API
Allowing any clients to upload a white and dark branding logo to show contrast at various private labeled UI pages v2.1.7
We added a “Create application” API, this API will allow you to create an application without using the Product Studio to create an application. This end-point description can be found here in our API Guide. v2.1.7
We fixed an issue with white logo during the Two-Factor authentication page in the admin login flow. v2.1.7
We fixed an issue to display the previous value in an edit dialog field if no new field is saved. V2.1.7
We fixed a minor message issue when the wrong username and password was detected during the login process v2.1.8
Product Application Studio
We added a few minor enhancements to make the product building experience smoother. Especially building from one page to the next. v2.1.7
Credit Decision Engine Studio
We further optimized our decision engine to return hundreds of thousands of credit underwriting decisions within milliseconds v2.1.8
We fixed an UI issue using the built in Testing Module to test Rules, Variables as well as Pricing rules and strategies. The dialog boxes were flashing for a second but we fixed the issue v2.1.8
We fixed an issue where extreme complex and long Decision Trees were causing the application screens to stretch v2.1.8
Product Pricing Engine Studio
We fixed an issue where a child-pricing matrix was failing during the production publication process v2.1.7
Reporting Studio
We fixed an issue displaying Approved applications in our reporting studio v2.1.8
Application Admin Workflow Portal
No changes
Sub-Tenant Onboarding Flow and Admin Portal
No changes
Integration Partners
We fixed an issue with the Plaid CRA product where the wrong phone number was causing the create user endpoint to fail. v2.1.8
Private Clients
We made a ton of system variables available to populate more sophisticated promissory notes and contracts. Account numbers, addresses, credit lines, anything that the system creates or captures can now be made available to be inserted into the Document Templates. v2.1.7
One of our private clients is now using our Tenant Onboarding Flow to get more bank partners signed up to use the private/white labeled credit card onboarding system. v2.1.7
We optimized the way to process and display extremely long and complex JSON responses from one of our private clients' blackbox. v2.1.8
About LendAPI
LendAPI is the only digital onboarding platform for banks with a suite of Product, Pricing and Rules Studio working in concert all in one platform. Follow us on Linkedin, YouTube and Loom Channel.