LendAPI Launches New Client in Invoice Financing Vertical

LendAPI Launches New Client in Invoice Financing Vertical

Oct 12, 2024

Oct 12, 2024



Oct 12, 2024

LendAPI is pleased to announce a new client joining our platform. This client is based in California and has been in business for a long time in the areas of invoice financing. We engaged with this new client and got them up and running in a day with our already implemented Plaid integration and our rules engine.

LendAPI - New Client Announcement - Invoice Financing
LendAPI - New Client Announcement - Invoice Financing
LendAPI - New Client Announcement - Invoice Financing

New Client Announcement - Invoice Financing

LendAPI onboarded this new client within a few hours after loading their Plaid credentials and authored bank transaction rules and made these rules available immediately for the client to consume. This is one of our fastest integrations to date. Our ability to react is built upon our existing integrations with key third party providers as well as the power of our Rules Studio where rules can be implemented visually within a few minutes leveraging our variable library.

Client Details

This client has been in business for quite some time with a full Plaid implementation. However, their default rates are still at an elevated level. The root cause is that this client is still manually reviewing transaction results as well as uploaded documents. This client needed a light weight decision engine that can quickly help them reject unqualified individuals at the time of application while getting approved on their mobile app.

Why now?

LendAPI’s Rules Studio, Open API as well as our already integrated third party marketplace made this implementation as easy as it can be.

We were able to enter the credentials, author rules on our clients behalf within 30 minutes and published an API with security credentials. The client was able to use the API immediately and started to adjudicate within an hour. 

Why LendAPI?

LendAPI’s all in one approach allows clients to build the most critical applications to drive their lending activities in a no-code, no maintenance environment within minutes. There is no more expensive setup fee, hourly rates, endless hours of waiting. Anyone can get an account and start building. This alleviates all of our lenders and banks concerns about inability to deliver. Our tool is ready to use today.

LendAPI’s competitive advantage

While other competitors are tangling their clients with endless onboarding documents, paperwork, negotiating tenuous long term contracts, our clients are already up and running with customer experience, credit underwriting management all on their own.  

LendAPI’s key functionalities for this launch

  • LendAPI’s Third Party Integration Platform

  • LendAPI’s Rules Studio

  • LendAPI’s Decision Engine 

  • LendAPI’s Decision Engine APIs

  • LendAPI’s application dashboard

LendAPI’s key vendor for this launch

About LendAPI

LendAPI is the only digital onboarding platform for banks with a suite of Product Studio, Pricing Engine and Rules Studio working in concert all in one platform. Follow us on Blog, Linkedin, X, YouTube.